I just finished re-reading
The Secret Garden,
and I've finally found an edition that I like.
I'm quite particular about the illustrations,
and I trawled several bookstores to find the right ones.
This version by Inga Moore
is even better than what I thought to look for--
the early scenes
of the dormant garden
are my favorite.
It may be "a children's book"
but it's the perfect one to read in the Springtime:
"'Eh!' he said, and as he crumpled the rich black soil she saw he was sniffing up the scent of it, 'there doesn't seem to be no need for no one to be contrary when there's flowers an' such like, an' such lot's o' friendly wild things runnin' about makin' homes for themselves, or buildin' nests an' singin' an' whistling, does there?'
Mary, kneeling by him holding the seeds, looked at him and stopped frowning."