But I also love this other face of Fall, where it's beauty is one of subtraction, a paring down of the landscape to it's barer forms and most deep and muted colors.
November 9, 2011
We stepped out of the woods to suddenly find ourselves in a high, open space that was ringed around with a fog so thick that we could not see the valley floor.
It was getting dark and we had already decided to turn back at this point.
By the time we re-entered the trees the bank had rolled through, revealing crisply green spires in the clear distance and leaving no sign that it had been there at all.
Coastal mists & now Mountain mists; if I am being followed, I do not mind.
November 3, 2011
I learned to make jam and how to can my results late in the summer, but I have had so much fun playing with the bounty of fruit that was still in season.
Some of the jars have been given away with love and the others are settled comfortably into the cupboard.
I will periodically open the pantry door to admire and coo at the jars that are glowing like embers, holding the bright suggestion and treasured sweetness of Summertime's fire even as the flame of that season has dimmed and the days here have shortened.
November 2, 2011
Making jam in the waning light of an Autumn afternoon.