June 17, 2010

I got this peony at the farmers market. It was in a huge bucket full of flowers, $2 for a stem, and when the stall vendor asked me which one I'd like, I pointed to this main bloom.

In the sea of blossoms, it was all I could see of the stem.

When he pulled it out and I saw that there were two other tight buds attached, I felt so pleased. Immensely lucky, like I'd won a prize, or chosen wisely.

They were so tightly curled, for a few days I feared they'd been plucked too soon and wouldn't open.

It turns out I was wrong. They are unfurling now (so luxuriously that I feel I can see them drooping and growing heavier before my eyes) and filling the room with their scent.

I love peonies.


  1. so gorgeous. I adore peonies. I remember seeing them in buckets when we went on our honeymoon in seattle, right after my wedding which was seriously a day too early for the peonies I wanted. such a vivid memory. I would love to go back someday!

  2. that sky...gah! love!

    xo Alison
