January 10, 2011

A forecast of snow by midweek (fingers crossed).
A walk and cup of tea with a dear one.
Muffins from my Christmas-present cookbook.

I find that
in January's darkness
it helps
to make note of the things
(every few days)
that I am excited about.
Small things,
simple things,
but little pleasures just the same
that are points of light
in this
(at times)
bleak midwinter.


  1. These pictures are so beautiful!

    I agree -- every night before bed I try to write down the best parts of the day in a little diary. Even if all I write is 'just a day.'

  2. I completely agree with your thoughts on January. Remembering those small simple pleasures can often brighten the darkness.

  3. Such incredibly beautiful imagery. Here's to a bright 2011 for one and all.

  4. a beautiful post. i really love how you see the world
