January 27, 2011

Glasser - Apply & Mirrorage:
my new favorite studio music.
Not so dancey that I can't concentrate,
but not so slow that I loose momentum.


  1. Beautiful photos!
    I have a hard time with music to write to...has to be instrumental only or else I end up subconsciously writing about the lyrics, ha...no, really. Explosions in the Sky have been on my mind lately, but that might be a little slow for you. Have you listened to the Life and Times? I think you might like it...

  2. Your top photo is fantastic! I love those shadows and light. I'm not familiar with Glasser, I'll have to give them a listen!

  3. The first photo is really tops! I love getting music recs from you. Happy Friday, Maggie.

  4. thanks for the music tips, maggie

    you're right.
    it's good for when you need to focus on something else

    hope you're well!

